
Gudawang Cave exotic, Parung Panjang, in Bogor

Exotic charm tiger cave of forgotten amid the hills of West Bogor.

If you want to travel to places of natural attractions, Cave Gudawang may be an option for those of you who are looking for natural attractions. The cave is located in District Cigudeg, Bogor can be reached from the town of Bogor about 30km or the equivalent of one hour's drive and can also be accessed from the city of Tangerang through ParungPanjang with 60km mileage or 2 hours drive

To get to the location you are going through the cave Gudawang roads, especially for those of you who through ParungPanjang. It seems that the local government pays little attention to road conditions towards these attractions. When you will enter your sights are going through the gate Gudawang tourist cave began shabby for under-treated.

Sights Gate Cave Gudawang

Entrance tickets to the Cave Gudawang relatively cheap price, only $ 2500, - per person. In these places there are three caves located on the right, left, and the entrance to a tourist attraction. Three cave is the Cave Simenteng, Simasigit Cave and Cave Sipahang.

The view in the Cave Gudawang

The caves are located in the tourist attraction Gudawang Cave is a natural cave formed by sedimentation over hundreds of years ago. In Cave Gudawang should not ever expect to be able to find public facilities are complete, as a tourist attraction in this new cave Gudawang facelift around 2000 and to date received less attention from the Department of Tourism Bogor.

Cave Simenteng
Around the left side of the entrance 200meter sights we can find Simenteng Cave. The walkways are made of rocks add a natural feel and shady trees make the air around the Cave Simenteng be cool.

The road leading to the cave rock Simenteng
At the mouth of Cave Simenteng can be shaped cave mouth as if Tiger was "roaring" showed prowess to the visitors Cave Simenteng.

Simenteng cave mouth

In the cave is said according to a story Simenteng locals end up having other caves in the area Cisalak, Bogor. To enter this cave you have to be extra careful because you will be faced with a steep staircase down the mouth of the cave. Once inside the cave you still have to be careful because it was dark and cold conditions made visibility is reduced.

The atmosphere inside the cave Simenteng

Although the lights are there, but it is still lacking because there are only lighting at some point. Our search we came to a halt when the watery cave calf-length legs, we decided to back out after searching around 400meter from the mouth of the cave because we did not bring the proper equipment.

Cave Simasigit
To get to the cave Simasigit you can walk to the right of the entrance to Cave Gudawang sights. Same with the road to Gua Gua Simenteng Simasigit Also made of rocks and shade trees that create shade around it.

The road leading to the cave rock Simasigit

Mouth Cave Simasigit also beberntuk head tiger "roar" at the Cave Simenteng. It is unfortunate that in this cave have not been given the information to scroll through the cave Simasigit.

Mouth Cave Simasigit

For those of you who want to browse the contents of this Simasigit cave is worth carrying lighting equipment and can ask for a guide to the contents of Cave menelesuri Simasigit.

Cave Sipahang
After tracing Simenteng Cave and Cave Simasigit, now is the time to get to the cave Sipahang within approximately 400meter. For this we can go cave exploring paths have made of rocks, unfortunately the path along the way it looks so barren little shade tree that was so scorching hot direct sun seared skin.

The trail leading to the cave Sipahang

Fortunately the scorching heat of the sun can be treated with a beautiful view of the hills around the cave Gudawang sights.

The hills around the cave attractions Gudawang

Once inside the cave area Sipahang, shady trees began to say hello again, so tired of sweat after a barren path relieved by the cool breeze. Sipahang cave is located on the valley floor, so we had to descend the stairs to the cave mouth Sipahang.

Down the stairs Cave Sipahang

Unlike Simenteng Cave and Cave Simasigit, Cave Sipahang look more natural, it can be seen from the mouth of the cave is left original and visible roots or shoots of trees on it.

Mouth Cave Sipahang

At the mouth of the cave we can find a tour that brings light petromak cave to take visitors through the cave Sipahang. This cave is a cave watery so if you want to explore this cave you have to be ready wet cave submerged in cold water.

For those of you who are adventurous trips to the cave located in the district Gudawang Cigudeg, Bogor can be selected prior unspoiled atmosphere in the third cave. Hopefully tourist natural attractions such as Gua-Gudawang this to the attention of the local Tourism Office so Gudawang tourist cave becomes more beautiful and become the pride of the local people especially the people of Indonesia.

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